Thursday, October 4, 2007

And who the hell cares???

WARNING folks! You may not like this entry.

But it's my blog and it's my view and I say it...

Bishop would deny Communion to Giuliani

Guess what *dear* Roman Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke, I really don't care what you would do or not do.

Though I was born and raised and lived as a Roman Catholic for 63 years, I finally gave myself permission to think for myself. And no longer believe [or am scared by] anything you or the rest of the clergy, say. I happen to think that it's weirdly primitive for you to believe you are making bread into a dead man's body. And offering that dead man's body and blood, to your followers, to consume. Yishhhhhhh...

I no longer allow ANY religion to dictate to me. I see all the world's religions as ways to have a strangle hold on people. "We have the God Given Rules!" All of you, say this! All the religions of the world, claim this! Soooo many claimants to the Pure Truth. ,-)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blogging Regime Violence in Burma...

Mayanmar = Burma

I have no idea if this is a valid blog source, but I found this link, in a photo blog. If it is so, it is horrific. You have to scroll down, to come to more, written in English.

Blog Site

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Please ask...

The President of Iran will speak at Columbia.
Would some liberal [and free, btw] Columbia student please ask him; "Would President Bush be invited/allowed to speak at a Iranian University?"

Friday, September 14, 2007


Western Idiocy.

I'm disgusted too...

Old but funny...

I guess it's old, from Maverick News Media, but I just found it.

Wonder how long it'll stay up? Before the "Political Correctness Police" scream to get it removed?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Wall Vandalized

'Red State' reports that The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has been vandalized.

And it's reported in Free Republic also, plus many photos.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Forget 9/11 at our peril...

'Forget 9/11 at our peril' by Cal Thomas


"Now, as we approach the sixth anniversary of Sept. 11, there are suggestions that we should begin to forget the worst terrorist incident in America's history. Recently, a front-page story in The New York Times suggested it is becoming too much of a burden to remember the attack, that nothing new can be said about it and that, perhaps, Sept. 11 "fatigue" may be setting in."

Only 6 years later, will we forget?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Urging Congress.... they add up numbers!

An entry on the "Gathering of Eagles" web site.
I'll give you the link directly to it, because.... I find their web site hard to figure out myself. :-( But I get direct links to new posting, in my Google Reader site.

Fax letter or call your Congress person.
rging Congress to support our troops in the field.

Do you read...?

Do you read IRAQ THE MODEL?

Yes, I'm sure many who happen to read this post, do.

But if by chance I happen to be read by new people, I highly recommend his today's entry.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Bin Laden urges Americans to convert


And meanwhile, you can take your threats and your pressure,

and your Allah-given-mandate to convert me, and you can .......................................!

Have I made myself clear to you, Osama honey?!?!?

'Rosie The Riveter' pic from Always On Watch. Please and thank you.
Graphics Credit: Warren

Thursday, July 5, 2007


July 4, 2007: Independence Day wakeup call for Al Gore

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Last entry Subject Line was...'Natives are...'

My last entry's Subject Line was.... The Natives Are Getting Very Restless
I know that what the blog writer called for [impeachment], was drastic.
The point is - The Right is losing patience, on this issue.
Losing patience, big time.
How did the Right get this far off track, from so many of its core?
Why don't they hear what so many are saying loud and clear, on this issue?
How much more split does the Right need, to totally insure giving the next election to the Left?


une 11 at 20:35 by Big Dog

Impeach Bush if He Signs Amnesty Bill

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Please go read "There Is No Us in U.S" at The Gray Dog. He confirms feelings I've had. -sigh-

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Flag Day.... We celebrate it today.

Today, my city celebrates Flag Day. Although the actual date is not May 9th.

We have a big parade, entirely paid for by the local Elks Club Chapter.

Today, we can be Americans.


Though at this time, we are going through our *dreaded* right of passage ~ political campaigns ~ today, may we put our many differences aside.
And just be Americans.
I know. In some quarters, it's not *cool* to be patriotic any more. It's not *cool* to simply love the country of one's birth. The country to which my
forefathers/mothers came, to escape the oppression and poverty,
in the lands of their births.

My forefathers/mothers and my husband's also ~ who came to America ~
and became full citizens of their adopted country ~
and were grateful and proud to do so.
We remember them today also. And thank them, for their sacrifices. It's never easy to come to a new country, and assimilate into it.
But they did it!!!
And we are proud of them.

So today, you will just have to pardon me, while I wave the flag.
While I salute the flag.
While I declare by my actions, that I do love this country, for which it stands.
This country, with all its warts and its virtues.
It is my country.
And I am proud to say so!
Click on--- 'You're A Grand Old Flag'


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

In connection with John F. Kennedy Airport plot

John F. Kennedy Airport plot

El Shukrijumah's days numbered

By Judi McLeod

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Read Article Here

Ban pin-ups on RAF jets

PC brigade ban pin-ups on RAF jets - in case they offend women and Muslims

Article here

Ahhhhhh that PC brigade! Ever alert. Ever stupid.

Global Incident Map

I can't vouch for the authenticity of this site but... They do have an "About Us" link to check.

Global Incident Map

Friday, June 1, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How sweet it is!!!!!!

Yesssss, how sweet it is! The Dem's 'useful idiot' has found out, that she's no longer needed.
is upset because she is being attacked by Democrats for taking them to task for their stance on the war."

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Today... and every day.

Please click on Remember me...

Special Access to Congress 1-800-882-2005

From "Big Dog"...
Special Access to Congress...... Delicious! Please read.
Love ya', 'Big Dog'!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Keeping it in Perspective

Please go to this a Live Journal blog at this url... and read the following entry...
Date:2007-05-23 10:44
Subject:Keeping it in Perspective
Perhaps here also. I'm not doing well with links today...

Islamberg, NY

Radical Muslim paramilitary compound flourishes in upper New York State.

Read Springtime in Islamberg.

GOE II -- May 26, 2007

Gathering Of Eagles.
26 May:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Guilty until proven to be a Scapegoat

'The Marching Camp' - A lonely castrum in the midst of the Barbarians. -- great blog

Great entry, on this great blog...

Guilty until proven to be a Scapegoat

Monday, May 14, 2007

'I Just Came Back...'

Dang it! Having a terrible time, getting this to post.

So I just give you the link to where I saw/read it and let you follow that. That'll work! It better!!!!!!!!!! &*(&^%$#

Go here, please... Zero's entry at Veteran-American Voices. Scroll down to 'Darryl Worley and "I Just Came Back From A War" entry' on May 11.

Texas Town Says No Más to ILLEGALS

Texas Town Says No Más to ILLEGALS

Why Did Democrats Raise Gas Prices?

Why Did Democrats Raise Gas Prices?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Finland cracks down on free speech...

Read all of the following, from Gates of Vienna blog. Read here

"Prodos is the Australian blogger who runs the Thinker to Thinker blog network. He has received an email from Mikko Ellilä explaining his situation, and expressing concern about possible pressure being brought to bear to delete his blog posts:..."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hey, Jessica Lynch: Give the Medal, Book/Movie Deal $ Back

Yeah... Jessica Lynch... Give the Medal, Book/Movie Deal $ back.
Lynch--the inept chick soldier who didn't follow directions, got lost in the desert, didn't properly load her weapon, etc., etc.--is upset that she has been made into a hero.

And she testified--along with the Sheehan, er . . . Tillman Family--to eager lefties in Congress, today, about how upset she is that she was made into a hero:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Burns of NYT: Insurgents Know ...

Burns of NYT: Insurgents Know U.S. Politics Moving in Direction Favorable To Them

Monday, April 23, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

Wednesday Hero - April 18, 2007

From ' The Gray Dog' Blog...

ave you heard of Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt? Maybe you have and maybe you haven’t. CMSgt. Hebhardt gain some notoriety recently. Not for an action that...'

Wednesday Hero

Edwards' $400 haircuts

Read at Big Dog's Weblog.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rosie is No Longer in a League of Her Own

Rosie is No Longer in a League of Her Own

The bar has been set with the dismissal of Don Imus for his comment that offended the black community and allowed Sharpton and Jackson to come out from under their slime covered rocks to...

Lest we forget

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, a Holocaust survivor sacrificed his life to save his students during the VA Tech shooting.

As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 76-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday's shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 33 dead and over two dozen wounded.

Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter when the man attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, "but all the students lived - because of him," Virginia Tech student Asael Arad - also an Israeli - told Army Radio.

Monday, April 16, 2007

GoE .. Greensboro, NC Rally

From Gathering of Eagles site....

Greensboro, NC Rally.

Date: April 21, 2007-Saturday

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Saturday, April 7, 2007


The Trouble With Islam
Sadly, mainstream Muslim teaching accepts and promotes violence.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT

"Not many years ago the brilliant Orientalist, Bernard Lewis, published a short history of the Islamic world's decline, entitled "What Went Wrong?" Astonishingly,..."

Read complete article here


Grabbed from Always On Watch Two

Ohhh that Nancy...

'What Pelosi Stands For'

Amir Taheri

Arab News

The other face of America! This is how Arab media and political circles describe Nancy Pelosi as she winds up her tour of the Middle East amid criticism from the Bush administration. And, there is little doubt that much of the Arab elite likes that face better than the one presented by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in her trips to the region.

full article here


But! THEY like her.

It just keeps getting more surreal...

It just keeps getting more surreal...

"Iran has called on Britain to respond to its release of 15 UK sailors and marines with a goodwill gesture".

"Another gift for Mr. Blair..."

Nancy Pelosi subverts the United Nations


Friday, April 06, 2007

'Nancy Pelosi subverts the United Nations'

Friday, April 6, 2007

Oh Rossssssssie.........

Check out Falling Panda.

Britain's Humiliation -- and Europe's

Britain's Humiliation -- and Europe's

The English "go wobbly."

What Happened to British Pride?

If link won't work....

What Happened to British Pride?

The English "go wobbly."

By Jonah Goldberg

ater this month I’m heading back to the mother country. Now, as I am a rich ethnic cocktail — Jewish, Lithuanian, Scottish, German, with probably some Polish or Ukrainian in there as well — you might think I mean any number of places (and if you’re one of my many Jewphobic readers, you might think I mean Israel). But I mean jolly England — the headliner in the tag-team effort that is the Anglo-American tradition. I am an Anglophile, and I look to ol’ Blighty as the wiser Romans surely looked upon the Greeks: as the fons et origo of our grand civilization.

I’m jumping the pond to partake in a debate at the Oxford Union on one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. Formally presented, it is: “This house regrets the founding of the United States of America.”

The debate, timed to coincide the with the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown as well as the Queen’s American visit, might seem a tad ungrateful. In fact, I am sorely tempted to deliver my remarks in German, in order to put a fine point on the question. But my hope is that the rascals at Oxford Union are just being a bit playful.

In the same spirit, perhaps a better question to put before the house is whether Britain even exists anymore.

While doing my homework, I’ve been reading up on the goings-on over there, and there seems to be cause for grave concern. Exhibit A: the recent unpleasantness with Iran whereby 15 marines and sailors were captured by Iran and put on display as willing propaganda tools.

“Blasphemy itself could not survive religion,” G.K. Chesterton observed, “if anyone doubts that, let him try to blaspheme Odin.” Similarly, humiliation cannot survive the death of pride. So it was a hopeful sign that the British Telegraph editorialized that Britain had been “humiliated” by the Iranians. At least the sting of pride can be felt in that lonely journalistic redoubt.

But looking to the British government itself, pride seems to be sorely lacking. The most outrage I could find from a government official came from Patricia Hewitt, the British health secretary, who called the spectacle “deplorable.” Alas, she was referring to something else. She was infuriated “that the woman hostage should be shown smoking. This sends completely the wrong message to our young people.” Imagine the outrage if those captured marines had been fed trans fats.

The British have not lost all of their steel. The Daily Mail reported this week that police tracked down and nearly arrested an 11-year-old boy for calling a 10-year-old boy “gay” in an e-mail. This was considered a “very serious homophobic crime” requiring the full attention of police. The article explained that this sort of thing happens quite a bit. Last October, the coppers fingerprinted and threw a 14-year-old girl into jail for the crime of racism. Her underlying offense stemmed from the fact that she refused to join a class discussion with some fellow students because they were Asian and didn’t speak English.

The same day the Daily Mail reported the tale of the homophobic 11-year-old, it also reported that schools across the country have been dropping discussion of the Holocaust in the classroom for fear of offending Muslim students.

In his brilliant 1999 book The Abolition of Britain, Peter Hitchens chronicles how the British have slowly effaced the patriotism that made the British arguably the most consequential nation in history and an engine for so much that is right and good in the world, in order to become more “European” and about as bland as 2 percent milk as a result. The British used to be the great source of civilizational confidence, telling us, in the words of Margaret Thatcher, not to “go wobbly.”

My favorite anecdote in this regard is of the British general Charles James Napier. When assigned to British-run India, he was informed that he just didn’t understand Indian customs. He couldn’t ban the practice of wife-burning, he was told, because it was an ancient and valued tradition in India. He said he understood and appreciated that. It was just that “my country also has a custom,” he explained. “We hang people who burn women.” His custom won out. I somehow doubt General Napier would look kindly on Holocaust denying-by-censorship.

Perhaps I’m just being prematurely defensive, as I suspect my upcoming debate is something of a setup, but maybe lamenting the existence of America is the rational thing to do when you’ve decided to lament the existence of Britain as well.

© 2007 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

— Jonah Goldberg is Editor-at-Large of National Review Online.

Monday, April 2, 2007

A book...

Allah’s Bomb: The Islamic Quest for Nuclear Weapons, by Al J. Venter.

Still a work in progress...

Thank you to comenters ' Always on watch two' and 'Zero Ponsdorf.'

I have to admit that I'm still having issues with this 'Sign In' process.

But I'll get it down pat, this time. I will! I will! I will! >,-)

I got back in!!!!!!

Damn slam!!! I signed back in!!! :-)

WooT!!!! Think I did it, this time!!


Graneee's back...

Granneee's back!!!