Saturday, June 9, 2007

Flag Day.... We celebrate it today.

Today, my city celebrates Flag Day. Although the actual date is not May 9th.

We have a big parade, entirely paid for by the local Elks Club Chapter.

Today, we can be Americans.


Though at this time, we are going through our *dreaded* right of passage ~ political campaigns ~ today, may we put our many differences aside.
And just be Americans.
I know. In some quarters, it's not *cool* to be patriotic any more. It's not *cool* to simply love the country of one's birth. The country to which my
forefathers/mothers came, to escape the oppression and poverty,
in the lands of their births.

My forefathers/mothers and my husband's also ~ who came to America ~
and became full citizens of their adopted country ~
and were grateful and proud to do so.
We remember them today also. And thank them, for their sacrifices. It's never easy to come to a new country, and assimilate into it.
But they did it!!!
And we are proud of them.

So today, you will just have to pardon me, while I wave the flag.
While I salute the flag.
While I declare by my actions, that I do love this country, for which it stands.
This country, with all its warts and its virtues.
It is my country.
And I am proud to say so!
Click on--- 'You're A Grand Old Flag'


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