Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Last entry Subject Line was...'Natives are...'

My last entry's Subject Line was.... The Natives Are Getting Very Restless
I know that what the blog writer called for [impeachment], was drastic.
The point is - The Right is losing patience, on this issue.
Losing patience, big time.
How did the Right get this far off track, from so many of its core?
Why don't they hear what so many are saying loud and clear, on this issue?
How much more split does the Right need, to totally insure giving the next election to the Left?


une 11 at 20:35 by Big Dog

Impeach Bush if He Signs Amnesty Bill

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Please go read "There Is No Us in U.S" at The Gray Dog. He confirms feelings I've had. -sigh-

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Flag Day.... We celebrate it today.

Today, my city celebrates Flag Day. Although the actual date is not May 9th.

We have a big parade, entirely paid for by the local Elks Club Chapter.

Today, we can be Americans.


Though at this time, we are going through our *dreaded* right of passage ~ political campaigns ~ today, may we put our many differences aside.
And just be Americans.
I know. In some quarters, it's not *cool* to be patriotic any more. It's not *cool* to simply love the country of one's birth. The country to which my
forefathers/mothers came, to escape the oppression and poverty,
in the lands of their births.

My forefathers/mothers and my husband's also ~ who came to America ~
and became full citizens of their adopted country ~
and were grateful and proud to do so.
We remember them today also. And thank them, for their sacrifices. It's never easy to come to a new country, and assimilate into it.
But they did it!!!
And we are proud of them.

So today, you will just have to pardon me, while I wave the flag.
While I salute the flag.
While I declare by my actions, that I do love this country, for which it stands.
This country, with all its warts and its virtues.
It is my country.
And I am proud to say so!
Click on--- 'You're A Grand Old Flag'


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

In connection with John F. Kennedy Airport plot

John F. Kennedy Airport plot

El Shukrijumah's days numbered

By Judi McLeod

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Read Article Here

Ban pin-ups on RAF jets

PC brigade ban pin-ups on RAF jets - in case they offend women and Muslims

Article here

Ahhhhhh that PC brigade! Ever alert. Ever stupid.

Global Incident Map

I can't vouch for the authenticity of this site but... They do have an "About Us" link to check.

Global Incident Map

Friday, June 1, 2007